An academic assessment in special education is the process used to determine a child’s specific learning strengths and to determine whether or not a child is eligible for special education services. At ARCL when a child is sent to the remedial class, assessments are done in two ways:

    • Academic assessment
    • Behavioural assessment

In academic assessment, pre-writing skills and a basic understanding of Montessori subjects are assessed.

Behaviour assessment is done through behaviour rating scale and adaptive behaviour test in which prerequisites like on seat behaviour, attending skills, imitation, and socialization are observed. When these skills are present, the child gets admission to the remedial class.

Monthly observations are scheduled for parents and child’s performance is evaluated on a regular basis;

    • A weekly assessment is done that includes written, oral and practical evaluation.
    • Teachers and therapists also conduct a monthly assessment through different group activities and a child’s individual written and oral performance.
    • After every six months, term assessment is done that includes an assessment of multiple areas, for example, academics, interaction with the peer group, participation in group activities, understanding of concepts etc
    • Final assessment or grade assessment is done on an annual basis. After the final grade assessment and parent-teacher meeting, it is decided whether the child can be promoted to mainstream school.

ARCL is proud to state that this institution has its own success stories, as many students of ARCL are already sent to the mainstream. And they are competing with typical children.

“If they cannot learn the way we teach, we teach them the way they can learn”

Autism Resource Centre Lahore - 2020 - All rights reserved.