Children with ASD tend to do best when they have a highly-structured schedule or routine. Setting up a schedule children with ASD tend to do best when they have a highly-structured schedule or routine. Setting up a program for children, with regular times for meals, therapy, school, and bedtime is essential.

ARCL team facilitates with Home plan according to the child-specific needs after observation, feedback, and parent’s concerns. Mostly Home plans deal with behavior modification and challenge the children are facing. These home plans are significant because children spend most of the time at home, so they need a structured home environment.

ARCL provides a qualified and trained therapist for home observation and Home visits. ARCL also provides home sessions by trained therapists for the management of a child in a natural home setting.

ARCL team helps parents to explore the possibility of having therapy in more than one place to encourage the child to transfer what he or she has learned from one environment to another.

Finally, no matter what management plan is chosen, parents and caretakers’ involvement is vital to the progress of children. Parents can help their child get the most out of treatment by working hand-in-hand with the professionals and following the therapy plan at home.

Autism Resource Centre Lahore - 2020 - All rights reserved.